SW Section III
Lesson 5
This section has multiple videos collected over the internet to show you the power of SolidWorks Assemblies followed by a multiple part assembly that you will create. Watch the videos and then complete the activity.
Video 1 - Basic Assembly Features (4:51) - Video
Video 2 - Elbow Engine (12:26) - Video
Video 3 - Assembly Tips (14:54) - Video
Video 4 - Time Saving Assembly Tips (2:46) - Video
Activity 5.1 Kids wooden block toy - PDF
Lesson 6
SolidWorks Simulation
Please navigate to the link below and watch all five videos on SolidWorks simulation tools.
Either while watching or afterwards you will complete the quiz on google docs over different simulation features.
Videos - LINK
Quiz - LINK
**Note** You must be signed in to your ccsd1schools account to access the quiz and turn in assignments. **Note**